sexta-feira, 19 de junho de 2009

I miss (Greece)

I miss it!!

Yesterday I booked my plane ticket back to my Portugal. Its is a lot true that I am missing so many things in my homeland, but... This is my life for the last 4-and-a-half months and I am adapted to it! I feel almost 100% incorporated in the local society in my point of view. I can go anywhere alone, I can buy things alone, I can ask for directions, I can understand most of the times the subjects of the conversations, I know some locals and some of them are friends, and I have someone in my mind 24/7 for the last month! All local things that I will miss when I return to Portugal...
Besides the local society, we have our own small intercultural society. EVS is a very big thing in whatever country you are, and Greece is no exception. I will miss so much my friends, real ones, with whom I lived and worked for the last times! But that everyone supposes...
And I already miss the most special person I met in Hellenic lands. Thanks to the Youth Center of Kalamata, thanks to Giannis and our greek lessons at Jimie's! Everything comes to an end, and the apart of lives was so difficult yesterday!... Everyday time was against us, and once again it is. Time and space, work and obligations... My EVS love has so many determining factors that pull us apart that its impossible to fight in both sides... I will never forget you!

Oh EVS!.... It is so hard to leave you... But thank you for changing me, hopefully to better!

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Ahhhh! You come from there!