quinta-feira, 27 de janeiro de 2011

Interessados num SVE, leiam

As pessoas interessadas em fazer um SVE podem contactar-me para amarense@gmail.com.
O Clube Desportivo Recreativo e Cultural Amarense terá todo o gosto em ajudar mais e mais jovens a embarcarem numa das mais enriquecedoras aventuras que poderão experienciar! :)

Coragem, sejam voluntários!

terça-feira, 23 de junho de 2009


I cant stop wondering how it will be, if it will be, what will it be, if we all want it to be and if it is possible to be... I want it to be, I cant stop thinking of it being, and you as part of it.

sexta-feira, 19 de junho de 2009

I miss (Greece)

I miss it!!

Yesterday I booked my plane ticket back to my Portugal. Its is a lot true that I am missing so many things in my homeland, but... This is my life for the last 4-and-a-half months and I am adapted to it! I feel almost 100% incorporated in the local society in my point of view. I can go anywhere alone, I can buy things alone, I can ask for directions, I can understand most of the times the subjects of the conversations, I know some locals and some of them are friends, and I have someone in my mind 24/7 for the last month! All local things that I will miss when I return to Portugal...
Besides the local society, we have our own small intercultural society. EVS is a very big thing in whatever country you are, and Greece is no exception. I will miss so much my friends, real ones, with whom I lived and worked for the last times! But that everyone supposes...
And I already miss the most special person I met in Hellenic lands. Thanks to the Youth Center of Kalamata, thanks to Giannis and our greek lessons at Jimie's! Everything comes to an end, and the apart of lives was so difficult yesterday!... Everyday time was against us, and once again it is. Time and space, work and obligations... My EVS love has so many determining factors that pull us apart that its impossible to fight in both sides... I will never forget you!

Oh EVS!.... It is so hard to leave you... But thank you for changing me, hopefully to better!

terça-feira, 16 de junho de 2009

I Remember

I remember in Portugal, some days before coming to Greece, of being reading one of the many blogs in MyEVS.net. There was the story of a guy who had a project of 5 months like me. One and half to the end of it, he wanted badly to go back to his country. Many people advised him to stay, it was almost over, in a while he would go home, he should not finish an experience like that because everyone knew he could do it. And he stayed!
In the end he thanks in something like these words: "Fortunately my friends convinced me to stay and finish my project. It would be a huge mistake to leave in the middle like that! And...do I have to say I found love? :)"
If not whit these words, something saying the same, but I am 90% sure that the last sentence its really like this.

Truth said, I never wanted to give up from my project. I loved the life here, I still do, I love it more than ever! Because I stay to the end, I lived almost all I could. And the last month is having the best things possible... I feel like the other volunteer, I lived to the end and I found love too!
It would be so sad leaving my life of the last 5 months even without this feeling... So you all can imagine how difficult it will be this way...

There are many cases of EVS love stories, even my
mentor is a case of that. She was an EVS from Romania here in Kalamata 8 years ago. She met a local guy, she stayed, they got married, they live together, they work in this city...

Give me a smile! :)

quinta-feira, 4 de junho de 2009

Portuguese issues

I have less than one month here in Kalamata, here in Greece, here in the Mediterranean... The last 4 months passed fast like hell, unfortunately. Now I start to think a lot on my trip back to my country of course...

Today (can't remember why) I was reading some things in the internet about Portugal, then about Portuguese language, than about Galaico-Portuguese language and its history, then about just the history, then the diplomatic history, then the military history, and I ended reading about the Battle of Aljubarrota. I dont know why, but maybe because I am sensitive about missimg my country, I got fascinated about this battle. It was even better than I ever thought, together with all the history surrounding it. I got more close to understand why we portuguese people do not like the spanish ones and the frenchs! ehehe Poor guys... Over all these centuries we won lots of battles against the inhabitants of nowadays Spain, everytime they were more than us and better equiped and they were falling like flies... Many times they were being helped by the frenchs, poor guys were losing all the times their cavalry... We fought in disadvantage and we ended winning without casualties, we fougth from 1:4 and the casualties were 1:4, we captured lots of prisioners and material and our prisioners escaped...

Battle of the Atoleiros


Battle of Trancoso
1300:N/A (around the same, but much better equiped)

Few pawns:~90%

Battle of Aljubarrota


Battle of the Lines of Elvas


Battle of Ameixial
24000:21500+5000 amunition cars+20 artillery


Battle of Montes Claros


One typical thing in most portuguese people is the admiration and reliance in our history. We were great, and now we are not, so why not keep remembering that? I will always be like this, I dont care. Portugal is the country in Europe which has the oldest national identity. Portugal is the european state with the most old and stable established frontiers.Thereby, I am Portuguese since the XIII century and you have your nationality for much less time than I do.
Greece became a kingdom 177 years ago, and the actual greek territory has 62 years when Italy gave them the Dodecanese islands.

And I forgive you castillians! In the end you were losing all the time.... eheheheh

quinta-feira, 28 de maio de 2009

TVI e normas ético-legais

Ora bem... Uma notícia que me captou a atenção com extrema facilidade!

"Lisboa, 28 Mai (Lusa) - A Entidade Reguladora para a Comunicação Social (ERC) considera que a TVI desrespeitou as normas ético-legais do jornalismo misturando factos e opinião em várias edições do "Jornal Nacional", alvo de queixas analisadas pelo organismo."

Nada que me surpreenda... Só me surpreende só agora ter ouvido algum "órgão superior" falar disto...

quarta-feira, 20 de maio de 2009


Como não poderia deixar de ser, posso estar ausente do meus país mas todos os dias tenho os meus feeds do JN a actualizar de meia em meia hora.
No total leio para aí 2 ou 3 notícias completas por dia, de resto leio apenas os cabeçalhos no programa. Ontem por acaso foi a da taradona/psicótica professora de Espinho.
Hoje, embora ainda sejam 11 da manhã aqui, duas notícias chamaram-me a atenção por conterem algo curioso!

- "Ferreira Leite adverte que o país pode falir"
Manuela Ferreira Leite defendeu esta terça-feira num almoço com empresários ucranianos que Portugal tem poucos anos para resolver o problema da falta competitividade se não quer "ficar irremediavelmente pobre".

- "Portugal ultrapassa Espanha" (só este título chama a atenção a qualquer tuga!)
Portugal subiu três lugares no ranking que mede a competitividade dos países a nível mundial.

Ora bem... Algo anda para aqui a contradizer-se, ou será que não? A Manela diz que o país vai falir com falta de competitividade, e afinal Portugal já ultrapassou os Castelhanos? Algo esquisito se passa... Vejamos, a Manuela é uma pessoa que tirou economia; este ranking mundial são várias pessoas que tiraram economia! Logo, é mais fácil estar errada a Manuela que um grupo de economistas que nada mais faz a não ser analisar países.

Assim sendo pergunto: Manuela, será que Espanha já faliu e ninguém sabe?!

Ahhhh! You come from there!